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No Roof Left Behind

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No Roof Left Behind

woman with a walker standing in front of a home with a new roof with a sign that says "Free Roof - Mast Roofing & Construction Inc"

We will be accepting nominations in the Spring of 2020. Who do YOU know that deserves a new roof? A teacher? Pastor? Friend? Neighbor? For the 8th year, Mast Roofing & Construction will be installing a brand-new roof for FREE to a deserving homeowner in need.

How It Works

Nominate: The public submits nominations to No Roof Left Behind. We are looking for families that are hardworking members of the community, but may have fallen on hard times, or for some reason cannot afford a roof. When nominating, please be specific about why you think they deserve a free roof and tell their story. There are three requirements that must be met:

  1. The nominee must live in Berks County.
  2. The nominee must own the home.
  3. The nominee must be current on the mortgage for the home.

Vote: We choose four finalists from all the nominations, and then present them to the public to vote on who should get the free roof. The nominee with the most votes is given the free roof.

Installation: Our whole crew โ€“ office staff included โ€“ is on-site, and we have an Installation Celebration!

Past No Roof Left Behind Winners

2019 Winner โ€“ Howard and Linda Smith of Hamburg, PA

Howard and Linda have raised a beautiful family who support each other through thick and thin. They are your typical American family โ€“ honest, hard-working people who do their best each day to be a light in the world. They built their home on a hill in Hamburg over 48 years ago, raised their children, and now have been blessed with grandchildren. 

One of their boys, Jeff, and his family lives in the house beside them and has been carrying the burden of helping take care of that home they built so long ago. In his words, “My parent’s roof is in sad condition. I have patched many areas where shingle tabs have blown off. The roof was installed in the early 90’s and is past the end of its life. My parents are both retired and are trying to make it on Social Security, and have struggled to pay their property tax, but are able to somehow do it each year. My father had his right leg amputated due to cancer, and can’t work. My mother is dealing with arthritis, but keeps pushing on. 

I maintain their yard and fix things in the house as needed, but as for paying for and/or installing a roof, that’s beyond my financial and physical means. A new roof would keep them in their home of 48 years, and give them peace of mind.” We were so honored to be a part of giving them that peace of mind, and so enjoyed the day we spent with them on Installation Day! We are so glad that the roof over their head is no longer a concern for this delightful family!

2018 Winner โ€“ Jacob & Emily Cook of West Lawn, PA

2017 Winner – David and Beth Lewandowski of Temple, PA

2016 Winner – Darlene Richard of Hamburg, PA

2015 Winner – Ken & Emily Adams of Leesport, PA

2014 Winner – Miriam Rissmiller of Exeter, PA

2013 Winner – Beverly Oswald


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