
Storm Damage Roof Repair in Berks County, Pennsylvania

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Emergency Roofing & Exterior Services

Restoring your home to health can be a challenge in the wake of a storm. Unplanned and unexpected, storm damage leaves homeowners in need of emergency solutions to deal with roof leaks, exterior damage, and structural roofing issues. While a temporary fix provides immediate relief, long-term solutions proactively preserve the life of your property.

For those managing a property, we understand the pressures faced when dealing with unexpected storm damage and deciding who to trust, when it comes to caring for your home or business. Our advice, as a certified contractor, is to not allow a sense of urgency to rush you into a long-term decision.

One of our highly skilled technicians encourages “…using the type of contractor you would use if you didn’t have storm damage. Because they are going to be local, certified, known in the community, have warranties, have guarantees, and be reputable. Storm damage usually brings companies from out of town…and can bring in un-certified contractors, unwarranted labor, and shoddy work.”

Storm Damage: Our Process

We respect your home and believe you deserve to understand your options when it comes to storm damage and emergency services.

Heavy rainstorms can result in leaks, alerting you to faulty portions of your roofing and exterior systems. Several indicators include drywall watermarks, water dripping from your ceiling/walls, or areas of mildew/rot in your attic.

Driving winds can dislodge shingles and cause debris to hit and damage your property. Cracked siding, broken windows/skylights, missing shingles, and detached gutters can all result from strong winds.

Wooded areas are at risk of fallen trees, while open spaces are more susceptible to high winds. Known for freezing temperatures, northern regions experience extreme temperature fluctuation, which aggravates existing damage, as structures expand and contract.

While temporary fixes provide immediate relief, storm damage requires long-term quality solutions. Once a short-term solution is in place, our qualified experts walk you through lasting options to fit your unique needs and prevent increased damage to your property.

Insurance Claim Help

Our team bridges the gap between intricate insurance jargon and the specific needs of our clients, advocating for your roof’s well-being. With years of experience, our roofing experts are committed to working one-on-one with your insurance adjuster, ensuring your claim accounts for every detail. Sound like a dream come true? It gets better! Throughout the insurance process, our experienced team works with our clients to keep you informed throughout the entire process.

Thank you, Mast Roofing team, for a job well done! For anyone in an insurance claim situation: I cannot emphasize enough the value of selecting a preferred contractor, like Mast Roofing, with the right experience and aptitude to deal cooperatively and fairly with both the insurance company and you.”

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We wouldn't be offering our services if we didn't believe that we're the best. Give us a call to talk about what we can help you with!

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